Filmmaker Joe Medeiros alone with the Mona Lisa
Silvio Peruggia, the grandson of the man who stole the Mona Lisa with the painting his grandfather had for nearly 2-1/2 years.
Researcher Stéphane Dichamp checks out an old negative of the Louvre's Grand Galerie
The former Hotel Tripoli-Italia, now called the Hotel La Gioconda. It's where Peruggia brought stayed when he brought the Mona Lisa to Florence
Graziella Peruggia, the granddaughter of the man who stole the Mona Lisa, in the room where her grandfather handed the Mona Lisa over to the Director of the Uffizi Gallery
Mona Lisa was displayed for a week in the Uffizi
Found on a service staircase the day after the theft. The police found fingerprints of the thief on the glass in the frame.
The Mona Lisa isn't painted on canvas but on a panel of poplar wood.
Vincenzo Peruggia was put on trial in Florence in June, 1914. He was given one year 15 days for his crime -- this sentences was reduced to time served a month later.
Vincenzo Peruggia played the mandolin and was romanticized by both French and Italians for his deed.
The Mona Lisa's disappearance caused a media sensation. A popular fad was to dress up and be photographed as the missing lady.
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